Friday, June 02, 2017

Day 7: Santa Fe, NM to Vernon, TX

We were motivated to get an early start in the morning, for the long driving day ahead. The hosts of the Gaspar Inn were wonderful, and  happy to offer any useful info we needed. I’m not sure what I loved most about this place: the beautiful gardens, exceptional breakfast, the friendly staff, or the fluffy robe…but I will certainly visit here again. Oh, and let’s not forget that they have a Tesla charger! By 8:30 the car was packed, breakfast over, goodbyes said and we were on the road again.

Once we crossed the border into Texas, the landscape and weather changed. Northern Texas is so flat you can see the curve of the Earth on the horizon and the sky appears enormous. 

Beautiful majestic cumulous clouds fill the sky! We could see black streaks streaming from the clouds ahead of us then suddenly we were in torrential rain with visibly limited to a few car lengths. We followed behind a semi, hazard lights on and proceeded with caution. Th rain stopped as suddenly as it had started. 

Here are 2 photos of a semi on the road in front of us:

Everything in Texas is large and it’s not just the hats. We passed a sign saying “Free 72 oz steak”, in smaller print it said “if consumed in an hour”. That’s over 5 lbs! Just the thought made me crave a salad. 

Our first Texas rest stop was covered with the signs below. I happily stayed in the car.

In our hotel at the Hampton Inn we were pleasantly surprised to see “Guest Laundry” as it was time.  With the laundry spinning, we took a long walk to stretch our legs and enjoy the evening. We were happy with protein drinks for dinner and some TV before heading to bed.

Driving all day gave us plenty of time for our first Friday Retrospective (yes, we are nerds).

Stop doing:
  • Stop taking so long to blog.
  • Stop bringing everything we own into the hotel every night.
Keep doing:
  • Keep blogging.
  • Keep walking (10,000+ steps every day).
  • Keep collecting postcards and magnets.
Start Doing:
  • Start blogging every night and stay up to date (stretch goal).
  • Start taking only 1 suitcase into hotel each night.
  • Start downloading offline maps (before we lose cell service).
  • Start taking more pictures.

Trip Stats:
Today: 459 mi  138.6 kWh  302 Wh/mi

TOTAL:  1820 mi  578.7 kWh  318 Wh/mi


LaurieM said...

Pictures are always good. :) Glad that "keep blogging" is still a "keep doing".

Gina Kirkley said...

I'm so glad somebody is reading these posts. Its been great writing about our trip as we go!

Nan said...

Love the pics - the 2 semi pics!!! This is such a fabulous trip! Remember I'm reading backwards. Soon I'll be caught up.