Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lunchtime Chat: Apple & Iraq

Today at lunch we talked (predictably) about Apple and Iraq.

The lunch opened with "What do you think about the new MacBook and MacBook Pro computers?". [I like the multi-touchpad on the Pro but I thought the upgrade to the Santa Rosa chipset that allowed full access to all 4 Gigabytes of memory was more exciting that yesterdays change to the penryn processers.]
Then I was asked "Have you bought your iPhone yet?" and that started a silly discussion about the religion of Mac and ended when I said "if I was elected president that I would take the oath of office with my hand over a MacBook Air or an iPhone." I like to tease me too! :)

But we got back to a much more interesting discussion when someone asked "Did you watch the debate last night?". This started a rapid chain of topics that flowed something like this:
Clinton vs Obama
Democrats vs McCain
McCain and the Iraq war
Exit stratagies from Iraq
Turky into Iraq
Splitting up Iraq (Kurds in north, then Shia/Sunni, ...)
Splitting up Germany
North/South Korea
soft/hard landing of North Korea
China's involvement with North/South Korea
China's involvement in the middle east
The global escalation of military forces to control oil and other resources
...and back to our current choices for President

At which point I said "Our current choices for President were like asking me if I want a regular Big Mac Meal or the Super Size? Where are my other choices!". So I finished my lunch of salmon and steamed vegetables, and we went back to work.


Spark said...

It looks like something just doesn't chang e- like the topics for lunch time debate :)

Spark said...

s/something just doesn't/some things just don't/

Heh. Even my {ab,mis}use of English hasn't changed either :)

Unknown said...

An other topic related to Apple that we discussed was the stock price. Also, we
learned that whenever Tom buys an Apple gadget he also buys some Apple stocks, assuming he is having any money left after the purchase. We learned that Chandra was greedy and lost some money recently on some Apple options. But we think he is still ahead since he has still shares he bought @ $60.

We did not talk about splitting Germany. The topic of Germany and Korea came when it was mentioned that whenever we visit a country we extend our stay

Unknown said...

One more comments ....

Is this a new tradition you are starting?

I am afraid it might generate more debate off lunch hour ;-)

Tom said...

I don't plan to post every day, but I will post when I post. :)

I did receive an email last night with a link to this blog by Dave Winer: