Monday, December 26, 2011

A History of the Sky

This is a unique, interesting time lapse video.

This is a year-long time-lapse study of the sky. A camera installed on the roof of the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco captured an image of the sky every 10 seconds. From these images, I created a mosaic of time-lapse movies, each showing a single day. The days are arranged in chronological order. My intent was to reveal the patterns of light and weather over the course of a year.

A History of the Sky by Ken Murphy

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Cat mom hugs baby kitten

For Michelle...

and this...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011



How does this make you feel?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Geography Quiz

Did you know "the Middle East"' stretches as far west as the Western Sahara in Africa? What is the smallest Middle Eastern country? Test your knowledge on a new drag-and-drop game by clicking this link or the map graphic.

Thanks Jessica!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Forecast is SNOW in San Jose

The forecast is for SNOW in San Jose and much of California tonight and tomorrow! The last time there was snow on the ground at sea level was February 5, 1976.

update: although there was plenty of snow in the mountains around us, no snow fell on our house. :(

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Portrait of Watson

Here is my portrait of Watson, the IBM computer that competed on Jeopardy!

Gina jokingly asked me "Can I throw this out?" and I replied "No, that is my portrait of Watson! Can you see how happy he is?". :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Volkswagen Commercial: The Force

Here is the full length version of the "Mini Darth Vader" commercial.

The super bowl version was only 30 seconds.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Google Car that drives itself

Google developed a self driving car that can deal with freeways, intersections, traffic lights, stop signs, cyclists, pedestrians,...even back seat drivers! :)

Here is the link to an ABC video of Test Driving the Google Car posted October 12, 2010.

Android in Spaaaace!

Some Googlers sent some Android phones into SPACE with weather balloons! They posted these two videos on the Google Mobile Blog.

This first video is cute :) and sad...

This second video show a tiny bit of how they did it.

Arshan (in the YouTube video above) and I left Sun Microsystems for Google at almost the same time.